LA Sherrif Slams County’s Decision of Terminating 4,000 Unvaccinated Deputies

Police / Evan Wood / Flickr / December 29, 2008 / CC BY 2.0

The liberal leaders seated in power continue to do a terrible job of managing the crime in America

Several cities across the country faced a major spike in violent crimes. In Los Angeles, police data reported that the city has 2,752 violent crimes this year. It’s over a 4% increase from 2020…

Despite the surging crime rate in the city, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a motion a few weeks ago to terminate 4,000 unvaccinated deputies. A vote of 4-0 passed the decision.

Another unfair decision from the liberals…

It’s disappointing to think that the same people that had to serve America during the peak of Covid when there was no vaccine… are the same people the Board of Supervisors want to fire today.

Los Angeles Sheriff Alex Villanueva, a straight Democrat, is against the liberal’s power play. He shared his thoughts during an interview on Fox News about the Board Supervisors’ decision despite the soaring crime rates.

He made it clear that he’s willing to fight for the 4,000 unvaccinated deputies. Villanueva said, “They (unvaccinated deputies) won’t lose their jobs (easily). This is going to be a long legal battle. I warned the board, ‘Don’t even start it.”‘

Then Villanueva made his stand stronger with facts and data. He pointed out that the positivity rate difference is very low for both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Villanueva added, “This is how dumb the situation is. We have roughly 10,000 people who are vaccinated, and their positivity rate is 3.4%. (While), the unvaccinated, their positivity rate is 3.8%. So we’re talking here about a difference of only 0.4% of positivity rate.”

The Sheriff continued with sharing first-hand experience with his employees who unfortunately died due to Covid. One was fully vaccinated, and the other was unvaccinated. He said, “I’ve lost an employee who had COVID… who was fully vaccinated. And the day before, I lost one who was not vaccinated.”

Then Villanueva slammed the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to push their agenda of terminating thousands of deputies in the middle of a crime surge. The sheriff said, “There is hardly any distinction between the two groups. This is something we should actually realize as absolutely idiotic to push an agenda that’s going to cause that many people to leave while we’re in the middle of a crime surge.”

The sheriff is right about all these. Now we see that Villanueva is one of those few Democrats who care for the country. He’s thinking the same way as Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Krysten Sinema.

Villanueva is one of those straight Democrats who deserve the support of our patriots in Los Angeles.

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One Thought to “LA Sherrif Slams County’s Decision of Terminating 4,000 Unvaccinated Deputies”

  1. Donald

    I commend Sheriff Villaneuava for his stance! Hopefully he will use the side effect data recently released to call for the dangerous mRNA vaccines to be pulled off the market. It is incomprehensible that anyone would call for their continued use much kess mandating such. Promoting or mandating their use at this point is a crime against humanity and those continuing to promote or mandate their use need to be brought to justice!

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